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January 2020

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 For some, the word tantrum is a new vocabulary, for others, a tantrum is not just an old word but a source of embarrassment, that has probably resulted in hurriedly leaving a public place or has led to series of apologies and suspicious stares.

A tantrum is an episode of extreme anger and frustration characterized by crying, screaming, and violent body motions, including throwing things, falling to the floor, and banging one’s head, hand and feet against the floor.

Tantrum, also called temper tantrums, can occur by the age of 15 months or even earlier, but are most frequent between the age of two and four. All children have them at some point , and active, strong-willed youngsters may have as many as one or two a week .Generally, tantrums are an expression of frustration, children may be frustrated by their inability to perform an activity they are attempting, such as buttoning a coat. Tantrums may also be an expression of frustration at the lack of control children have over their lives, such as at bedtime when children want to continue playing instead of going to bed.


Common problems


Having tantrums is a normal part of growing up, however, they are not socially acceptable behaviour. Consequently, the most common problems with tantrums are problems from the parents, the tantrums often takes place in public, which can be embarrassing and make them harder to deal with calmly. If the child actually hurts him or others or has very frequent tantrums, it may be a sign of behaviour problems, and the child should be assessed by paediatrician.